Monday, December 6, 2010

imX: Change Agent of the Manufacturing Industry

Welcome to imX - the interactive manufacturing eXperience. It’s a bold, new concept created to advance manufacturing by enabling unprecedented opportunities for collaboration in a changing world.

Change is happening all around us, and at a frightening pace. Products and services that were deemed essential just a few years ago have become entirely irrelevant today.

We’re witnessing the creation of new kinds of communities almost daily, in the real and digital worlds, that are based on shared values, needs or interests. And now, more than ever, new and innovative products need one of these well-defined communities in which to thrive.

Information delivery has sped up dramatically, giving everyone the option of receiving information on their own terms—when and how they want it. But the principles and rewards of servicing the customer—of establishing and maintaining solid, lasting relationships—have remained the same.

There is an important difference between spending all your time talking to customers versus spending your time listening to customers—working with them to come up with the most effective business solutions.

This is the overriding and compelling business principle that has guided us on this amazing journey.

For the last two years we have actively listened to both buyer and seller communities.

We’ve had hundreds of conversations and presentations with specific individuals and groups, and the most important thing we’ve learned is that we need to build imX into an industry event that is truly different. We believe we are well on our way to doing that.

The strength of imX is its ability to continue to adapt and grow based on feedback from the marketplace. It very intentionally has an open architecture in which every meeting, every partner, every attendee, and every interaction teaches us something new that we can apply to make it better, to customize it for you.

And that’s where you come in.

Make imX, make the industry, make your company, make yourself... BETTER! Participate, communicate, and stretch the boundaries of collaborative thought leadership.

In 25 years of organizing, producing and managing every type of event imaginable, this is the first time that I have seen this much passion, this much interest, this much cooperation, this much desire and conviction to create and to present something that sends a clear message of change to everyone that is connected to this industry.

Help us make imX…An Event Like No Other.

Welcome to imX. We look forward to your feedback.

Steve Prahalis, eXperience manager