Monday, June 20, 2011

Education is the Answer to Future American Manufacturing Workforce

The American manufacturing workforce has been dealt several blows over the past few years due to overseas outsourcing, a global recession and a skills shortage among incoming employees. Education is the answer to all three thorns in the industry. Globally integrated companies are at an advantage when laying the foundation for education in the metal cutting industry: companies can position themselves as thought leaders and provide accessible resources to those entering the workforce.

Sandvik Coromant combats this looming issue with a three-pronged approach: Smart Events, Technical Training courses, and partnering with industry associations including the National Institute for Metalworking Skills. Smart Events are our free educational seminar series hosted at technical centers across the country. The series addresses solutions and best practices for milling, threading, aerospace and titanium machining, and development tools for building a more informed, profitable workforce.

Smart Events

At a recent Smart Event, Bridging the Skills Gap, the Director of NIMS Steve Mandes, presented the importance of maintaining a globally competitive manufacturing workforce. The news was promising: manufacturing activity has grown for 20 consecutive months, employment in manufacturing increased by 200,000 in the last year and by all counts, manufacturing is leading the U.S. economy out of the recession. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to ensure skilled labor enters the industry and education is the driving force.

Technical Training

Sandvik Coromant technical training courses support industry development with application knowledge and fundamental, theoretical know-how broken down into four main training levels. Our Technical Guide and Application Guides serve as supportive, more in-depth material. These guides outline important product- and application-specific information on choosing the right tools; employing the correct machining methods; tooling maintenance, productivity and optimization.


Our dedication to education and development of the American manufacturing workforce is furthered by our partnership with NIMS and participation in Skills USA. The institute is a vital partner in addressing the major concern of a skills shortage in U.S. manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant supports Skills USA National Championships. Skills USA fosters education and communication between students, teachers, and industry leaders.

imX: Focus on Customer Engagement, Interaction and Education

As a global leader, Sandvik Coromant has an unmatched depth of metal-cutting knowledge and expertise to share with the industry. We work in close cooperation with not only customers, but industry partners. imX will be the industry’s most significant networking opportunity due to its focus on customer engagement, interaction and education.

We are looking at imX as a platform to collaborate with top-level manufacturing executives and partners, improving processes and innovating new ways of working together. Our continued commitment is on helping customers achieve higher efficiencies and maximize profits. We stand behind this mission: Your success in focus.

The imX will be the first time an event will bring together leading industry experts to specifically focus on the needs of the manufacturing industry. The event shows a commitment to providing economic growth and job opportunities in the United States and ensures easier navigation to help manufacturers find the solutions they are looking for in one place.

Sandvik Coromant imX eXperience partner

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